1992 – the beginning
In 1992, the company Zakład Usług Projektowych i Inwestycyjnych INWESTPROJEKT, founded by Rafał Sosiński and based in Częstochowa, was established. Initially, the company’s activities included carrying out projects in the field of building structures and architecture, as well as conducting construction and investor supervision. The company’s activities also included the creation of software for calculations of building structures and investment cost estimation.

1997 – Obliczenia sieciowe (Network Computing) program
In response to the need to analyze a large industrial network, a program for calculating flows and short circuits in electrical networks is created. The originator and first creator of the program is dr inż. Edward Siwy – then an employee of the Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology. As a result of cooperation with dr. inż. Rafał Sosiński (also an employee of IEiSU of the Silesian University of Technology) and his company ZUPiI INWESTPROJEKT in 1997, computing software was introduced to the market under the name “Obliczenia sieciowe” (currently OeS). In 2004, the author’s team was joined by dr inż. Krzysztof Maździewski (IEiSU of the Silesian University of Technology). The first large software implementation takes place at PKN ORLEN S.A.

1999 – program Zwisy (Sags)
In 1999, a program was created to calculate sags and stresses in overhead lines. The authors of the program were prof. dr hab. inż. Kurt Żmuda (IEiSU of the Silesian University of Technology) and dr inż. Edward Siwy. The program was successively developed and improved with new computational capabilities and became the basis of the PS-Sag program.
2001 – program for selecting lightning wires
In 2001, a program for selecting lightning conductors in overhead high-voltage lines was developed and introduced to the market, equipped with a database of lightning conductors. The authors of the program were prof. dr hab. inż. Kurt Żmuda (IEiSU of the Silesian University of Technology) and dr inż. Edward Siwy and dr inż. Rafał Sosiński. The program went through a development process and was present on the market until 2021 under the MeLiNet brand.

2003 – Calculator of Protection settings program
In 2003, as a result of cooperation with ZEG ENERGETYKA, a program was created for calculating settings and remote programming of CZAZ digital protections manufactured by ZEG-ENERGETYKA. The author of the program is dr inż. Rafał Sosiński. The program entered the market under the name “Kalkulator Nastaw” and could be integrated with the “Obliczenia Sieciowe (OeS)” program or operate independently. The development of the program is stopped as a result of the ownership transformation of the ZEG-ENERGETYKA company.
2005 – StratEn program and entry into the market of analysis services
In 2005, ZUPiI INWESTPROJEKT enters the services market and performs network analyzes in the field of short-circuit flows and protections for the needs of large industrial plants and distribution companies. It is developed by dr inż. Edward Siwy with original method of MV network optimization calculations, based on artificial neural networks. Its effect is the selection of cutting points in the radial MV network in such a way as to minimize technical losses in the network. A several-year process of performing optimization calculations for all regions within GZE-Vattenfall Poland begins. In the same year, the StratEn program was created for the needs of the same distribution company to determine technical losses in power networks. The authors of the program are dr inż. Szymon Ciura (IEiSU of the Silesian University of Technology) and dr inż. Rafał Sosiński.

2006 – the beginning of the IPC era
IPC Civil Partnership is established – Edward Siwy, Rafał Sosiński, Krzysztof Maździewski with its registered office in Gliwice. The entire ZUPiI INWESTPROJEKT company was transferred in the form of a contribution in kind to the newly established company. The company continued the orders started under ZUPiI INWESTPROJEKT and expanded its activities with new services. Initiated, among others: services in the field of reactive power management, overhead line mechanics and neutral point operation analysis. A series of analyzes of the power supply of the welding machines for GMMP Opel Polska based on the extensive OeS program was also initiated. The company also entered the market of performing expertise on the impact of connecting wind farms on the National Power System.

2008 – OeS in new technology
A new version of the Obliczenia Sieciowe (Network Computing) program is being created under the trade name OeS in a new technology that allows for a significant expansion of the editing capabilities of the user interface. The new technology also enables the distribution of the program in a network version. The new version of the program is also used to carry out network analyzes by our company in the field of optimization of cut-out points in the MV network and analysis of the development of the MV network in the Katowice city area.
2009 - Wind energy
The company enters the market for expert opinions on the impact of connecting wind farms on the National Power System. More than 30 such expert opinions were prepared for investors connecting their facilities with power ranging from 15 to 300 MW to the 110 kV and 220 kV grid. In this respect, the process of obtaining connection conditions and technical arrangements with the DSO and TSO was also carried out on behalf of the investor.
2010 - Electric arc
The company begins its activity in the field of analysis of the degree of electric arc shock hazard in accordance with the NFPA70E and IEEE1585 standards. Analyzes and training in this area are performed for the needs of industrial plants in Poland and abroad. Thanks to the experience gained, the company is currently one of the main contractors of this type of expertise in Poland.
2015 - The beginning of the electronics era
The Production Plant in Częstochowa is opened, where electronic devices are designed and mass-produced in accordance with the customer’s requirements. An automatic SMD assembly line and design and laboratory facilities are launched. The manufactured devices are also exported, among others: to the Czech Republic, Ireland and Slovenia.
2016 - IPC in a new version
A new company is established under the name IPC Sp. z o. o. which is based on the resources and experience of IPC S.C. and is its continuation also in the personnel area. Cooperation with AIUT, AB-Micro and FAST begins in building elements of the iZIP Production Asset Management System for the needs of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
2018 - EU projects
The period for submitting and implementing projects co-financed by theEuropean UnionunderNCBR begins. The company carries out research and development projects in the field of software development for engineering calculations in electrical networks, in particular design calculations for overhead lines and smart power grids. Moreover, the implementation of a project organized by the Silesian Center for Entrepreneurship in the area of energy-saving light sources is starting at the Production Plant in Częstochowa.
2020 - ZiKOS - new product
A new IT product ZikOS is entering the market, resulting from the implementation of an EU project co-financed by NCBR titled “ZikOS-LN – Integrated system for comprehensive analysis of the operating states of overhead power lines” and experience gained in the construction and distribution of PS-SAG and MeLiNet programs. This also ends the development of these tools.
2022 - IPC Digital - new area of activity
IPC Digital Sp. z o. o. is established, whose shareholder is IPC Sp. z o. o. The new company’s area of activity primarily includes the creation of “tailor-made” software, taking into account the latest technologies, broadly understood engineering at the interface with electronics, artificial intelligence and advanced computing technologies.