TAURON Dystrybucja S.A. company is one of our key customers and users of OeS software. Cooperation in the field of software began in 2008, when Górnośląski Zakład Elektroenergetyczny was managed by Vattenfall AB. Today, 26 OeS software licenses in the latest version are used in all company branches for the purpose of developing connection expertise in the Network Planning and Development Departments. Currently, a project is being implemented to integrate OeS software with the Network Property Management System and the Central Measurement Database to provide users with access to the necessary data and speed up the analysis process. The cooperation of both companies does not end with software – IPC Sp. z o. o. was and is involved directly and as a subcontractor in many research and development works and expert opinions carried out for TAURON Dystrybucja S.A.