Project title
ZikOS-LN – Integrated system for comprehensive analysis of the operating states of overhead power lines.
Short description of the project
The subject of the project is the development of an integrated system for comprehensive analysis of the operating states of overhead power lines (ZikOS-LN). The system will enable the analysis of cable mechanics, electrical parameters of the line (including line load capacity in normal and fault states), analysis of the line’s impact on the environment (analysis of the electric and magnetic field and shock hazard at supporting structures). The developed solutions will enable advanced analysis of the current operating status of the lines, effective design of new and modernized lines, and effective assessment of environmental threats related to their operation. The project is aimed at creating an innovative product, currently unavailable in this form on the Polish market. The implementation of the project is of significant importance for the electricity industry. The ZikOS-LN system under development includes the following functionalities:
- extensive data entry interface – apart from the standard form of data entry, there is also an innovative one
possibility of relations with the external environment, among others through direct import of data from geodetic and scanning systems
laser, - database of poles and cables (also high-temperature low-sag cables – HTLS),
- line visualization – drawing a longitudinal profile, 3D visualization of the line and objects in its vicinity with determination of distances and danger zones,
- module for analyzing the mechanics of line cables – basic calculations of cable mechanics, i.e. determining sag and stress tables,
- assembly boards and distances to the ground and crossed objects, preparation of the excitation vector for mechanical calculations of column structures, it is also planned to implement advanced algorithms including combinations of mechanical loads, uneven loads for individual spans and guy sections, as well as special calculations related to the regulation of sags, replacing insulators, deflecting poles, etc.
- module for determining line current carrying capacity – analysis of thermal hazards due to short-circuit current in fault states (working and lightning conductors), determining dynamic thermal carrying capacity in given weather conditions using the CIGRE model, determining quasi-dynamic thermal carrying capacity taking into account risk analysis for the needs current operation of the power grid and planning network development, forecasting the load capacity of the lines in characteristic periods of operation (in summer and winter load peaks, as well as in the summer valley, night periods, etc.)
- electromagnetic field analysis module – determining the permissible zones for people to stay in due to the critical values of electric and magnetic field strength,
- module for shock hazard analysis – algorithms for determining earthing voltages and potential distribution, and consequently touch voltages at the supporting structures of overhead lines – depending on the configuration of the earthing system.
There are no such comprehensive solutions on the market containing all these cooperating functionalities together. The applicant currently has at its disposal proprietary algorithms and IT tools that partially implement the functions of the planned ZikOS-LN system . However, these are mutually independent solutions and the existing modules lack many of the essential functionalities of the modules planned for the ZikOS-LN system . In their existing form, they also do not fully cover market demand, as identified in direct contact with existing customers as well as on the basis of exhibition experience at trade fairs and conferences. The integrated ZikOS-LN system, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of issues related to the design, construction (reconstruction/modernisation) and operation of overhead lines, would represent a significant advance in the effective conduct of the aforementioned analytical processes in relation to existing tools on the domestic market (PS-SAG, MeLiNet, LINIA, NapLin) and would be comparable to the most advanced foreign products (PLSCAD – USA, FM-Profil – Germany). The aim of the project is bi-directional: 1- research, where optimal algorithms and solutions will be sought to achieve the new functionalities planned in ZikOS-LN and the possibilities of their integration into a comprehensive system (prototype) will be tested under industrial conditions, 2- development, where the results obtained will be interpreted and used to improve the prototype product developed at the industrial research stage, the necessary experimental work will be carried out under conditions of performing analyses for real overhead lines; At this stage, work will also be carried out on the documentation of the new product developed, as well as on defining and planning the possibility of offering new services (including product maintenance services). The implementation of the project provides the Applicant with the opportunity to move from Levels II and III of technological readiness (for new components, the concept and their future use has been pre-defined, while existing components require significant improvements and are not integrated as a whole) to Level IX (implementation of the target product in real conditions).
The result of the project will be a tool in the form of an integrated IT system enabling a comprehensive analysis of the operating states of overhead power lines. As a result of the project, an innovative and unique product will be created (containing solutions which are partly new and partly considerably improved in relation to those currently existing on the market), which will be used in the applicant’s own business. It will be included in the applicant’s sales offer as an extensive, integrated system supporting the design, optimisation of solutions, construction and operation of overhead lines. The main groups of potential buyers of the system are power grid operators, companies providing services related to the construction and operation of power grids, design offices, research units, universities, etc. The system will also be used by the applicant for its own service work (analytical, design, research and development) carried out for existing clients. It will also be a strong asset in attracting new customers and cooperation partners. The applicant plans that the basic sales market for the created product will be the domestic one, however, the target product will be mature enough to allow extending its activity also to foreign markets. Identification of market need Market demand for the project results
Project objective
The aim of the project is to develop an integrated system for the comprehensive analysis of the operating states of overhead power lines (ZikOS-LN ). The system will make it possible to analyse the mechanics of conductors, electrical parameters of lines and the environmental impact of lines. The solutions developed will enable advanced analysis of the current condition of lines, effective design of new and upgraded lines and effective assessment of environmental risks associated with their operation. The objectives of the project will be realised through the development of advanced computational algorithms for individual system modules, as well as the use of modern 3D visualisation methods.
The aim of the project is two-fold: 1- research, where optimal algorithms and solutions will be sought to achieve the new functionalities planned in ZikOS-LN and the possibilities of their integration into a comprehensive system (prototype) will be tested under industrial conditions, 2- development, where the results obtained will be interpreted and used to improve the prototype product developed at the industrial research stage, the necessary experimental work will be carried out under conditions of performing analyses for real overhead lines; at this stage, work will also be carried out on the documentation of the new product developed, as well as on the definition and planning of the possibility of offering new services (including product maintenance services).
Planned outcomes
The main tasks to be carried out in the project are:
• implementation of advanced calculation algorithms including combinations of mechanical loads, non-uniform loads for single spans and lashing sections, special calculations;
• development of methods for the analysis of thermal hazards in disturbed states and the determination of dynamic thermal load capacity under given weather conditions using the CIGRE model, as well as quasi-dynamic thermal load capacity including risk analysis, allowing the prediction of line capacity values at characteristic times;
• development of algorithms for the analysis of electric and magnetic fields around lines and for the determination of earth voltages and potential distribution, and consequently of contact voltages at overhead line support structures determining the shock hazard;
• development of advanced methods for the presentation of analysis results, including 3D visualisation.
Value of the project
PLN 1,470,835.00
European Funds contribution
PLN 1 102 551.50
Project implementation period
1.03.2018 – 28.02.2021
Project implementation schedule
Stage 1
End result of stage: Determined detailed structure of the ZikOS-LN system and developed algorithms for the implementation of the system’s component modules.
Stage 2
End result of stage: A working prototype of the ZikOS-LN system, including prototypes of computing modules implementing the functionalities of the ZikOS-LN system, a database created, a working user interface and a 3D visualisation system.
Stage 3
Final outcome of the stage: Optimised, fully prepared product for sale, as well as for use for in-house analysis.
Program name
POIR.00.00.00. Operational Programme Intelligent Development. Priority axis POIR.01.00.00. Support for R&D works by enterprises. Measure
POIR.01.01.00. R&D projects of enterprises. Sub-activity POIR.01.01.01. Industrial research and development works performed by enterprises.
Intermediate Body
National Centre for Research and Development