
Project title
Innovative microprocessor-controlled LED light sources with increased energy and light efficiency and reduced EMC interference values for indoor and specialist lighting, integrated with a motion and dusk sensor, power supply backup system and intelligent dimming function.

Short description of the project
The aim of the project is to implement a new, innovative generation of LED light sources with increased energy and light efficiency integrated into one printed circuit with motion and dusk sensor systems, a backup system in the event of a main power failure and a dimming system in the event of detecting no movement. Experimental research and development works are planned on innovative systems increasing the efficiency of the LED source (increasing the power factor above 0.90), increasing light efficiency (above 120 lm/W) and minimizing EMC interference in relation to LED sources currently produced by the Applicant. The project includes experimental research and development work in order to implement new products into mass production, as well as promoting the results of work in industry magazines and patent protection of the developed solutions.

Project goals
The goal of the project is closely related to the specific goal of Measure 1.2 Research, development and innovation in enterprises, which is to increase the region’s innovativeness by increasing the number of enterprises involved in R&D work and improving the quality of research infrastructure used for R&D activities. The implementation of the project will significantly contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the RPO WSL and the objectives described for Measure 1.2., while maintaining consistency with the indicator part.

The main goal of the project is to implement the production of LED light sources with the mentioned functionalities as integrated systems within one printed circuit and to implement the production of products with higher efficiency and light efficiency.

The goal of RPO WSL, which is to increase the region’s innovation, is achieved through the commercial use of the results of R&D works that are the subject of the project. The objectives of the RPO WSL are achieved through:

  • Increasing the number of enterprises involved in R&D and improving the quality of research infrastructure used for R&D activities.
  • Increasing the share of R&D works in the company’s activities.
  • Increasing the innovation potential of created products.
  • Improving the competitiveness of products and the company.
  • Improving energy efficiency, functionality and reliability of designed products.
  • Accelerating the process of introducing the product into production and to the market.
  • Creating the possibility for the company to conduct R&D work for its own needs in order to implement new products.
  • Creating the possibility of exporting high-quality goods with specific parameters verified by laboratory tests.

Planned project effects
The results of the project implementation will have a positive impact on the increase in the competitiveness of enterprises operating in the Silesian Voivodeship. Increasing the range of LED panels offered by the Applicant automatically results in an increase in the range of products available to the Applicant’s customers operating in the Silesian Voivodeship. Each of the above-mentioned benefits that will be achieved by the Applicant’s company translates into an increase in its competitiveness and in the increase in the competitiveness of our customers. The implementation of the project will therefore increase the competitiveness of these companies on a voivodeship and national scale, and in some cases also on an international scale by increasing the company’s innovativeness, increasing the company’s turnover, increasing the quality and durability of the products offered, expanding the product range and diversifying distribution channels. Thanks to the implementation of the project, the Applicant will achieve the following benefits on an enterprise scale:

  • increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise on a voivodeship and national scale,
  • introducing products to the international market,
  • increasing the innovativeness of the enterprise,
  • increasing the company’s turnover,
  • expanding the company’s staff with qualified employees and improving staff competences,
  • obtaining legal protection of the enterprise’s intellectual property (patents, utility models),
  • increasing the quality and durability of the offered products,
  • expanding the product range and diversifying production,
  • gaining and consolidating a position on the market.

Project value
PLN 553,406.96

Value of funding from the European Union
PLN 331,444.14

Project implementation period
1/07/2020 – 30/06/2022

Project schedule

Phase I – 1.07.2020 – 30.06.2021
The work is planned as follows:

1. Integration of printed circuits within the assumed shape. Improving the positioning of components.
2. improvement of thermal conditions of the system.
3. improvement of control circuits.
4. Product testing in a near-real environment on a test platform.

Phase II – 1.07.2021 – 31.12.2021
Research and development work is planned for the following:

1. testing of the fulfilment of design assumptions and possible adjustment of electronic circuits to a small extent.
2. execution of a test series and statistical tests of the scattering of LED module parameters.
3. Preliminary testing of the fulfilment of legal and normative requirements by product development.

Phase III – 1.01.2022 – 30.06.2022
The following activities are planned for this part of the project:

1. testing of finished products after possible adjustment in Level VIII to meet the objectives.
2. tests to meet normative and legal requirements allowing the product to enter the market.
3. tests under real conditions at the test facility.

Title of the program
Regional Operational Programme of the Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020 (European Regional Development Fund) for Priority Axis: I. Modern economy
for Measure: 1.2 Research, development and innovation in enterprises Recruitment: RPSL.01.02.00-IP.01-24-021/19

Intermediate Body of the WSL ROP
Silesian Centre for Entrepreneurship

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