OeS 6 software is intended for modeling and calculation of radial and multiply closed power networks, under operating and short-circuit conditions. The program’s computational capabilities allow for the analysis of the operation of HV, MV and LV networks within one model. The program is also equipped with modules supporting the selection of protection settings and determining the load capacity of cables depending on the installation conditions. OeS has always been created as an engineering tool – it is characterized by transparency and simplicity of use, while maintaining a full range of computational functionalities for the implementation of analytical and design tasks.

Individual OeS software modules allow you to perform power flow and short-circuit calculations, which are an indispensable element of every project or connection expertise. Available functionalities enable, among others: proper selection of devices with regard to operation in operating and short-circuit conditions, solving problems related to reactive power compensation or assessment of the operation of the neutral point. They also support planning the expansion of the existing network and help in making connection decisions. In the OeS software, you can quickly perform calculations for any network configuration, which opens up great opportunities for users to create multi-variant analyses.

Functionalities related to modeling and analysis of network security operation have also been developed for many years. The user can analyze the sensitivity and selectivity of protections, determine their response times, and assess the risk of shock. Additionally, OeS can be equipped with the PROKAB module, which allows for the creation and calculation of the longitudinal and transverse profiles of the cable and the determination of substitute parameters for overhead lines. Another additional element is the GRAFIK module, which allows for the modeling of consumers taking into account the variability of the load over time (operator’s tariff or measurement data) and the modeling of prosumers taking into account the variability of their generation. The possibility of using the ENTSO-E database (climate years) has been implemented here, taking into account the weather forecast in the calculations or entering measurement data. Computational functionalities allow for the analysis of time histories of power and branch currents, voltages in network nodes, losses and other network parameters.

Power flow

The module is used to perform calculations in network operating conditions. The calculations result in currents in the branches and voltages in the network nodes. Additionally, the program calculates transverse and longitudinal active and reactive losses in network elements and total losses, as well as the power factor and the required reactive power compensation power to the given power factor at the network point. After entering the values of the limit parameters of network elements, it is possible to analyze the degree of load on branch elements and identify exceedances of these parameters.

Short circuits

The module is used to perform calculations in short-circuit conditions under symmetrical and asymmetrical short-circuit conditions, also with ground and neutral. The result of the calculations are the parameters of the short-circuit current in each network node in accordance with PN-EN 60909, as well as the short-circuit current flow and voltage levels in the network nodes during this flow in the event of a short circuit in a given network node. Additionally, short-circuit capacitive currents are also calculated for networks with an insulated neutral point. After entering the values of short-circuit limit parameters of network elements, it is possible to identify exceedances of these parameters.

Motor start

The module is used to perform calculations in the starting conditions of rotating machines. After specifying the starting times and starting moments of individual machines, it is possible to determine the approximate time course of currents and voltages in the network. The module enables analysis of many machines at the same time during startup. The calculation results also include the steady state before and after the start-up sequence.


The module is used to perform calculations under deformed loads and sources. The input data to the module are the shares of individual higher harmonics, both active and reactive, in the load (non-rotating load or engine) and those generated by the source (static source or rotating generator). The result of the calculations is the flow of higher active and reactive harmonics for all branches of the network and the levels of voltage harmonics in the network nodes. The calculation results also include the values of the fundamental harmonic.


The module is used to analyze the protection systems, in particular to support the selection of protection settings and the analysis of their sensitivity and selectivity. It is possible to implement overcurrent protection characteristics and observe them in a common drawing in order to conduct a comprehensive analysis of operation selectivity. Combined with the results of short-circuit calculations, the module allows you to quickly read the activation time of the protection of the analyzed point and determine the speed of its shutdown.

Line profile and cable ampacity

The module allows you to model any cross-section profile of a cable routed in the ground or air. Various ways of arranging the bundle, culverts and banks of culverts are available to the user. For a defined current path, temperature calculations can be made for a given current load or the allowable long-term, occasional or periodically variable load capacity can be determined. The temperature distribution is presented in heat maps.

Graphical analysis

The module allows you to model consumers with a time-varying load (for which the load variability is determined based on the operator’s tariffs or data from measurement systems) and to model prosumers with variable generation. In the case of renewable energy sources, the possibility of using the ENTSO-E database (climatic years) has been implemented, taking into account weather forecasts or measurement data in the calculations. It is also possible to define loads using additional statistical models (shaping the distribution and taking into account correlations). Graphic calculation functionalities allow for the analysis of time histories of power and branch currents, voltages in network nodes, losses and other network parameters.

Program equipment variants

OeS software is available in semi-annual and annual subscriptions. Thanks to this, we flexibly adjust the variant and access time to the application to your current needs.

We offer both single-station and network (floating) licenses.



Module – Power flow
Module – Short circuits
Module – Database
Module – Motor start
Module – Harmonics
Module – Protections
Module – Protections database
PROKAB additional module
GRAPHIC additional module


Module – Power flow
Module – Short circuits
Module – Database
Module – Motor start
Module – Harmonics
Module – Protections
Module – Protections database
PROKAB additional module
GRAPHIC additional module


Module – Power flow
Module – Short circuits
Module – Database
Module – Motor start
Module – Harmonics
Module – Protections
Module – Protections database
PROKAB additional module
GRAPHIC additional module